Course Rules

You can consult the syllabus for this course here.

About your presence

Attendance at all the tutored sessions or meetings is obviously mandatory and will be part of your evaluation.

In case of justified absence, organize with your classmates to get class information and material that you have missed.

About sharing or collaboration

The makers' lab is a place dedicated to knowledge sharing. Our courses are too! Peer learning is an integral part of our pedagogy. BUT, sharing knowledge, explaining concepts or processes does not mean doing the same work together.

TO BE CLEAR, you can work together to help you overcome your sticking points, you can't make a similar (or nearly similar) work!

Know the difference between helping each other and copy/paste !

About rules compliance

Rules breaking on the entire course or "just" on an assignment will result in a fail of the course - a final grade of 0/20.

Here is a list of what we will commonly understand by rules breaking for this course:

About evaluation

Makers'lab rules

Conditions of use

The makers' labs are places shared by the entire emlyon community, which implies respect for other users and their work. In the event of heavy traffic, only activities directly related to prototyping are allowed. It is also forbidden to monopolize the equipment to the detriment of other users: everyone must have access to the tools.


The safety rules posted in the rooms and near the machines must be respected. In case of emergency you must immediately alert a makers'lab staff member.

Now that the rules are clear

Let's get to the heart of the matter by discovering the tools we will use.

You're awesome